Deutscher Orientalistentag
100th Anniversary | September 12 – 17, 2022 | FU Berlin
The 34th Deutsche Orientalistentag
The 34th Deutsche Orientalistentag (DOT) will take place from 12th to 17th September 2022 at the Freie Universität Berlin (Fabeckstr. 23-25, 14195 Berlin).
The DOT was first organized by the Deutsche Morgenländische Gesellschaft (DMG) in Leipzig in 1921. The DMG is the oldest association of German Orientalists. Its members dwell mostly on languages and cultures of the Middle East, parts of Asia, Oceanica and Africa. The DOT has since been established as the largest and most important event of German cultural studies on Africa and Asia. The 34th DOT at the Freie Universität Berlin marks its 100th anniversary. Participation is open to all scholars, students and members of the public worldwide and does not require membership in the DMG. The languages of the conference are all common scholarly languages.
Scholars of all phases of their career are invited to present and discuss their research to an audience of specialists and interested members of the public in 24 sections which represent the entire bandwidth of the relevant disciplines. It is also possible to host interdisciplinary panels.
A new element in the 34th DOT will be a multi-day workshop on Digital Humanities in which digital projects are presented involving a hands-on component.
The organizing committee expressedly welcome initiatives to publish proceedings of the conference, but the DOT cannot provide resources for such a publication. The official conference program will include information concerning relevant events in Berlin that take place simultaneously to the DOT.
The 34th DOT is organized by the Freie Universität Berlin. The responsible organizing team consists of Alberto Cantera Glera, Beatrice Gründler, Eun-Jeung Lee and Shabo Talay. The project coordinator is Stefan Härtel.

DOT – 100th Anniversary
September 12 – 17, 2022
Hosted by the
Deutsche Morgenländische Gesellschaft (DMG)
in cooperation with the
Freie Universität Berlin
Organizing Committee:
Alberto Cantera Glera, Beatrice Gründler, Eun-Jeung Lee, Shabo Talay
Latest News
The preliminary conference programme is now online!
The preliminary conference programme is now online! Click here for more...
The deadlines for the DOT have been modified
The deadlines for the DOT have been modified. Panel proposals can be submitted...
Do you have any questions?
If you have any questions concerning the abstract management, fees, registration or the event in general, please do not hesitate to contact us, we will get back to you as soon as possible.